Category: The Littles

We return home after an exciting Walmart trip. We, being The Mama, The Toddler, The Preschooler, and myself – Aunty. The trip was full of yelling, screaming and running. Mostly done by The Preschooler. There was also the throwing of things, taking of things, and crying about things. So, your average Walmart trip.

After getting The Toddler and Preschooler out of the car, The Mama goes and unlocks the front door. The Preschooler attempts to open the trunk, The Toddler (wearing his babydoll on his back) stands around staring down at his rainboots.

I help The Preschooler open the trunk. I hand him the first “preschooler safe” bag I find. I then find a “toddler safe” bag for The Toddler. I hand The Toddler his bag which holds a container of raisins. He holds it by one handle and continues to stand there. I tell him to bring it in the house.

The Mama comes back out and I head in with some groceries. I walk by The Preschooler who is sitting on the floor in the hall trying to open his new hotwheels car.

I go back out and The Mama goes in with more bags. The Toddler has made it half way up the walkway and is now squatting down next to the bag. He peers inside and smiles. He loves raisins.

The Mama and I switch places again. The Preschooler is still attempting to open his car.

And again, the Mama goes in and I go out. The Toddler has made it to the porch with his bag! I grab the gallons of water and head back to the house. The Toddler has made it into the house leaving behind the bag with the raisins and a boot. The Preschooler is missing.

After putting down the water, I look for him. He found the new toothpaste and has decided to brush his teeth. The cover is missing and there is a glob of toothpaste on the sink. I walk away.

I grab the last of the groceries, pick up The Toddlers stuff and head in the house. The Toddler gets the raisins from me. Preschooler has gone back to opening the cars, and I help the Mama put away the food.

Adventures in Candy Land

Candy Land, a place full of happiness and sweets. Candy and laughter. Colors and castles. Screaming children chucking gingerbread men at eachother. Candy L-

Wait, what?

If you have ever played Candy Land before, you know how easy and fun the game can be.

If you have ever played Candy Land with a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 1/2 year old, you have played several versions of the game.

I have played Candy Land with several littles before. It goes something like this…

“I wanna play the game! Play with me pleeeease!”

Box is turned upside down. The pieces and cards fly everywhere.

You, being the adult, gather all of the cards into a pile. Then you collect the pieces and the board.

While you are collecting the board and pieces, the 1 1/2 year old has quickly grabbed the cards and tossed them in the air with great enthusiasm.

You gather the cards, again.

While you are gathering the cards, 3 1/2 year old and 1 1/2 year old proceed to fight over the gingerbread men pieces.

While holding the cards, you try to get the pieces away from the littles and get them on the board, on start.

In the process you get a piece chucked at your head.


You finally get things organized enough for the 3 1/2 year old to take a turn, since he is the one that actually cares. He picks a card. He has already forgotten what color piece he had, even though he was beating the younger sibling over it.

You remind him, then remind him to move his piece.

He drives it like a race car over the entire board.

You help him take his turn.

1 1/2 year old is running around with his piece, happily shrieking.

You skip his turn and take yours.

You pick a card.

1 1/2 year old runs over and knocks everything over.

You quickly place the pieces back where the were and take your turn before the 3 1/2 year old has a meltdown.

“NO” the 3 1/2 year old yells.

You were not supposed to move your piece.

He takes it and puts it where he believes it goes.

The pieces start “talking” to eachother.

You sit and watch.

1 1/2 year old tramples the board.

3 1/2 year old screams at him.

You quickly fix everything.

Not quick enough.

The children were distracted by a noise. 

Said noise distracts them for three minutes.

You quickly gulp down large overflowing mouthfuls of coffee.

The children return to the game.

And it starts again…

Good luck.

You won’t win.